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Une ancienne star de Disney vit un véritable drame

L’ancienne star de Disney, Tiffany Thornton, vit un véritable drame. Vendredi son mari, Chris Carney, est décédé dans un accident de voiture. La jeune femme de 29 ans, qui a notamment joué dans la série Sonny aux côtés de Demi Lovato, a posté samedi une photo de leur mariage et un message d’hommage sur son compte Instagram où elle parle de son mari comme "de la personne la plus incroyable que j’ai eu la chance de connaître." Quelques heures plus tôt, elle avait déjà publié une photo de son mari et de ses deux enfants avec le commentaire : "Ma vie. Mon amour. Mon ange".

Chris Carney se trouvait en voiture avec des amis quand l’un des a perdu le contrôle du véhicule qui s’est encastré dans un arbre. À l’arrivée des secours, il était mort. Le chanteur de 35 ans avait de gros problèmes avec l’alcool, mais il s’était soigné et revenait d’un séjour au Pérou où il avait aidé à construire une école.

C’est une période difficile pour Tiffany qui a déjà dû dire au revoir à sa meilleure amie il y a trois jours. Brittany avait 29 ans et Tiffany lui avait rendu hommage juste quelques heures avant la mort tragique de son mari.

There are so many things I want you to know about Chris but most importantly you must know how earnestly he pursued the Lord, especially in the past year. No one is perfect in this world and we all have our battles but it's the way we get back on our feet and turn it around that really counts. And he did it. He was so on fire for God and I know he flew straight into the arms of Jesus, his best friend. Please if you're reading this know that Chris would want you to know the Lord. Don't wait to run back to God. Our days are numbered and God is just waiting for you to come back to him. There is so much power in the redemption God gives us and I am so grateful that Chris and I got to fall in love all over again this past year. He was on such an amazing path for the Kingdom, having just gone on a mission trip to Peru with his dad where he shared his beautiful testimony and brought so many people to the Lord. He finished writing, directing, producing and editing his first Christian film and he and I got to star in it together as love interests who end up getting married. He was THE BEST father my children could ever have, an incredibly loving and sensitive husband, a wonderful brother and amazing son. He is already so dearly missed but I promise to spend the rest of my life sharing his testimony so that those who feel they have no place or have come from a place of struggle can learn that the love of the Lord can save us all. We will have a service in remembrance of him Monday, December 7th at 3pm and First Church of the Nazarene here in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Visitation will begin at 1:30pm. Thank you for your continued prayers for our family as we grieve the loss of my best friend Chris, the most incredible person I've ever had the blessing of knowing.

Une photo publiée par Tiffany Thornton (@tiffthornton) le

My life. My love. My angel.

Une photo publiée par Tiffany Thornton (@tiffthornton) le

I keep thinking this can't be real. One of my very best friends is gone and the place she holds in my heart will never be filled. Brittany was one of the coolest people I've ever known, filled with the loudest and most contagious laughter, a huge heart, a beautiful smile and an unbelievable faith in others that not a lot of people have. It was such a blessing having her stand by me in my wedding and I was honored to stand by her in hers. From way too much eye shadow, bangs, boyfriends we THOUGHT were our soul mates, trips to Destin and Cancun, late nights at the Blanton casa with way too much queso, to growing older, nights of reminiscing, phone calls to help eachother keep our chins up in the tough times, and laughing at how cool we thought we were back in the day....and still eating way too much will forever be missed. Reserve me a spot next to you in Heaven BB, I know I'll see you there again one day. Love you

Une photo publiée par Tiffany Thornton (@tiffthornton) le

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